Outliers (Incomplete)

By Malcolm Gladwell

NOTE: This is an incomplete set of notes.

General Notes

Cutoff Dates

  • Date of birth and cutoff dates affect a person’s success rate.
  • People with more time get the “accumulative advantage”.
  • Cutoff dates matter.


  • Hard work triumphs over talent.
  • 10,000 hours for mastery.
  • Not everyone is born equal.
  • Not just based on individual merit.
  • Fate versus choice.


  • IQ threshold.
  • IQ doesn’t equal smartness.
  • IQ as a logarithmic graph.
  • Divergence and convergence test.
  • ABCD versus brick and blanket.
  • IQ doesn’t equal creativity.


  • Be assertive, culture affects us.
  • Cultural legacies matter.
  • Asian people are good at math because the language component makes it easy and the culture is hard working.

Evolution Notes

  • Organisms don’t adapt to the environment. They change randomly and by chance they get better traits suited to the environment.
  • Survival of the fittest doesn’t mean the strongest organism, it means the organism best suited to it’s environment, not survival, not reproduction.
  • Evolution has no purpose.
  • My apologies for the lack of notes on this book. I read this years ago and I didn’t take very good notes at the time. I’ve also learned that a lot of the ideas in this book are false or misleading.